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时政频道> 国内

2014-11-20 21:49 来源:光明网  我有话说
2014-11-20 21:49:48来源:光明网作者:责任编辑:曾繁华

光明网讯 20日,出席乌镇峰会的ICANN总裁兼CEO法迪•谢哈德接受了光明网记者的专访。以下为文字实录:

光明网: 你好,谢哈德先生,非常感谢您接收光明网的采访,我们感到非常荣幸。我们很期待与您在这里分享您的见解,让我们开始第一个问题吧。

GMW.cn: Hi Mr Chehade, thank you very much for doing this with Guangming Online. It’s our great pleasure to have you here. So we are ready looking forward to what you are going to share with us tonight. So let’s just move on to the interview and here is my first question.


As the CEO of ICANN, how will delegating IANA stewardship to the global Internet Community influence the openness and fairness of global Internet in your perspective?

谢哈德: 我认为美国政府移交ICANN的控制权的决定是一个非常重要的决定。因为它标志着美国政府认为ICANN已经是一个成熟的组织并已经能自行与全球利益相关者管理自己的事务。

Chehade: I think the decision by the United State government to end its unique role in the work of ICANN is a very important decision. Because it signals the US government now sees ICANN as a mature organization that is ready to manage its affairs with the global stakeholder engaged.


I think the sition is working well. The community is preparing the proposal and the proposal has to meet the requirements of the United State before they make ICANN independent.

Today I stand confident that the community will come back with very good proposal so that we can present to the United State government and make ICANN independent.



Independent is important. Because ICANN has advanced and matured, and it is now ready to be at the service of the whole world.


So all countries and all stakeholders, all provide sectors, users can participated in ICANN and feel that they have equal level of participation and an equal access to ICANN’s work.


GMW.cn: OK thank you very much. Up to now, how are things going with the implementation of DNSSEC initiated by ICANN? What about the implementation of RPKI?

谢哈德: 在我看来进展还是相当不错的。现在,超过百分之七十五的顶级域名已配置DNSSEC。这是非常重要的标志。因为我们在几年前根本不可能做到,现在我们已经在不断进步。同时,包括.cn在内的国家代码顶级域名也已经在相对应的国家代码顶级域下签署了DNSSEC协议,这样能够确保我们能减少DNS被滥用的发生。

Chehade: I think the implementation is moving forward rather well under DNSSEC. Today more than 75 percent of the top-level domains have implemented DNSSEC, and that’s a very important mark. Because we were not there few years ago, and we’ve been advancing. Also the country-code top-level domains including .cn has now signed their top-level domains with the DNSSEC protocol, which insures that we got reduce the level of abuse that is happening.


RPKI is the same thing, but for the routing part. So it introduces the routing abuse, but we advancing. And I hope that we can bypass the 75 percent top level domains and the 40 percent of the country-code as we continue to implement the sectivities(2:50) in the days of the month head.


GMW.cn: Thank you! How will the full implementation of these two projects benefit global use security and the construction of credible Internet? Will public security projects hurt private antivirus industry?

谢哈德: So look. Public security of the Internet will reduce overall abuse. And I think that’s something we all want. Because if abuse of the DNSSEC and routing mechanisms continues on a bate or if we don’t implement RPKI in DNSSEC, I think we will find out ourselves with a deduction under trust in the security of the Domain Name System. We do not want the domain name system to be vulnerable. We want it to be a secure layer in the internet stack. The more security is the more people will participate and trust the system. The less we implement DNSSEC at our pikai (3:52) the more they likely hold abuse fishing and other activities will continue and this harm the internet and harm our trustnet.



GMW.cn: Thank you. The United States has always preseded in the Internet development. In terms of combating Internet crime, information theft and terrorism, what should the United States do to take its share of the responsibility?

谢哈德: 我觉得,不仅仅是美国,全球所有的政府、机构和组织都需要加入到减少互联网威胁和负面活动当中。

Chehade: look. The United State and every government and every institution and organization in the world need to play their part in reducing the threats and negative activities on the internet.


I think the United State government is investing heavily in supporting many standards to bodies to ITU, the IETF, ICANN and other places so that we insure that these cyber security standed our supported and our promulgated, our distributed across the world. So I think everyone is playing their part with quite a bit of focus and investment right now.


But I can’t put all the burden on one government. Because the responsibility to deploy cyber security is not only on one government, it’s also on the private sector, and sometimes on the users, knowing what they are doing and who they are visiting and how they are keeping their access point to the Internet safe and secure. All of us share the responsibility for the security of the internet.


GMW.cn: Thank you for this. On ICANN's 2013 Public Meeting in Beijing, my collegue Mr. Shen Yang put it forward to you to resume Chinese news links on the official website of ICANN in order to enhance the communication between Chinese communities and the world. You agreed on this. How far along are we with this work?


Chehade: We are doing quite well on this work. We also need to emphasize that since then we have opened engagement center in China. We have stuff here in China. And they are working with China community to enhance the linkage not just to news and information of ICANN but also to enhance the localization of ICANN’s content for the Chinese community. I will work, for example in partnership with CATR, the institute that is a part of MIT, is very important, because that is work that is helping us bring the content and knowledge of ICANN in the local way that can be consumed by Chinese community.


We will commit to China, we will commit to the community and we need to do more and more to ensure that we are not just sending information to China, but we are also listening to China, and bring knowledge and information about great progress in China on the internet to the rest of the world.

GMW.cn: Thank you for your answering and enjoy you days in Wuzhen.



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