Unbending Notes

关注ICANN 与WSIS(1)巴西专家向中国呼吁表达观点

sz1961sy 发表于 2005/11/18 15:59:00 阅读全文() | 回复(0) | 引用通告() | 编辑

        2005年11月18日,周五。象往常一样上网,北京时间9时54分48秒(巴西时差迟13小时)笔者太太Francy从MSN上发来巴西专家Jorge MSN内容:
        Jorge 说: the point is that I’m preparing a briefing for Vanda - as an ICANN Board member - about the WSIS understanding around the world.
        Jorge 说: I could collect info from many places, but Chine is beyond my reach - I can’t read Chinese
        Jorge 说: so I’m wondering if you might send me some info - in English, please - that might have been published in your area about the meeting
        Jorge 说: I hope
        Jorge说:   We’re trying to build a comprehensive view about the WSIS meeting around the world, so we’d like to have any clues about the way China got the meeting results, cause the USA authorities got a view, and they said it was winner and the EU said the same and the Arabic, and everyone around the globe...they all said their POV was the winner, so we’re trying to make a blend in order to match the different POV and understanding,
       沈阳说:  If there r a website to collect this view, that’s very good
       Jorge说:  No, this is personal task
       沈阳说: By mail or other way?
       Jorge说: Anyway you can help. news material, info, opinions, I’m preparing a briefing to Vanda, my wife, who’s an ICANN board member
       沈阳说: Ic, to us translate English or by Chinese words ok? I’ve collected many of this material in my computer by all Chinese word info only
       沈阳说: Many Chinese media interesting this meeting information this week, e.g. http://news.sohu.com/20051117/n227521793.shtml , today's news paper in southern daily news paper
        Jorge说: Well, Chinese might be though to understand...:-O
        Jorge说: Ok, I’m collecting them. tks
        Francy说:  Hi Jorge, you can use translation tools with Google to understand them
        Jorge说: you’re NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Jorge说: OK, OK, OK... tks. time to read and digest all of these

        我们夫妇与Jorge及Vanda夫妇在2002年上海ICANN meeting上认识、Francy在2003年去巴西参加ICANN meeting时又见到Vanda,之后我们之间一直用Skype及msn长期保持联络(尽管存在时差)。

Francy与Jorge ,Vanda夫妇在2002年上海ICANN meeting

Francy和 Vanda 2003年巴西ICANN会议

         Vanda Scartezini(http://www.icann.org/biog_finalselection/scartezini.htm )
        Vanda Scartezini is an Electronic Engeneering, Brazilian citizen, graduated in 1970. Since then she has held many management positions in private technology companies and in public institutions. She is the co-founder of Polo Consultores, a Brazilian IT consulting company since 1985. She served as the Brazilian National Secretary of Industrial Technology and as the National Secretary of Information Technology. She was also President of the Brazilian Patent Office. From 2000 until march 2004 she was the Brazilian representative at ICANN GAC. She served as GAC Vice Chair, term ended at March 2004.
        She acted as Brazilian Government representative in many international missions around the world as well as an expert and consultant for institutions like WIPO, UNDP and UNCTAD. Untill last year she taught Intellectual Property at the MBA level in one of the major business academic institutions in Brazil [FGV ?Fundacao Getulio Vargas].
        She holds a position in many professional IT entities in Brazil, is a member of the board of four R&D institutions as well as is Vice President of Softex, a Society responsible for the more than 2000 software start ups in the country. She was honoured with many of the major prizes in the Brazilian IT Industry.
       Vanda Scartezini was selected by the 2004 Nominating Committee to an additional term, which runs from the end of the 2004 annual meeting through the conclusion of the ICANN Annual Meeting in 2007.

        笔者一直有收集国内媒体及网站上关于关注ICANN 与WSIS信息,但是真正有建设性及代表中国人观点的不多,希望借此次国内媒体关注WSIS机会,收集网友反馈信息,与 Jorge先生一道,传递中国互联网社区观点。

        欢迎媒体转载此文。来邮件请发:shenyang@sz1961sy.com 。信息反馈:www.w.org.cn 。谢谢您的支持与参与!

        沈阳 sz1961sy@sina.com  2005-11-17  14:58  写于北京家中


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