Unbending Notes


sz1961sy 发表于 2005/9/8 16:06:00 阅读全文() | 回复(0) | 引用通告() | 编辑

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    会上也见到来自美国MCI(互联网之父V Cerf工作单位)公司一位黑人工程师Uchenna N Ibekwe、来自美国Cisco公司一位中国人女工程师Mei Wang(王梅)作专题报告。
    来自中国大陆有钱华林老师、李星教授、马严教授、朱爽副教授及CNNIC李祥建、陈涛等4人、中国电信2人、中国移动2人,香港APNIC执委郑志豪教授及其现单位同事2人,APNIC执委吴国维教授、APNIC的AC黄胜雄教授、台湾財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)董事长曾憲雄教授 、代CEO吕爱琴工程师等4人。

    本次APNIC第20次会议讨论了很多技术草案的最新进展并作了阶段性表决,而一些任期届满的主席(Chair)及联席主席(Co-Chair)也在会上进行改选表决。例如,政策兴趣小组(SIG,邮件组地址:http://www.apnic.net/mailing-lists/sig-policy/index.shtml )一位韩国Co-Chair任期届满不再连任,9月8日上午大会一项议程就是新的Co-Chair竞选,下面是相关情况介绍(http://www.apnic.net/meetings/20/programme/sigs/policy.html#election ):
    Thursday 8 September, 11:00-12:30
    Topic(主题): Election of co-chair
    Presenter(主持):Chair--Kenny Huang (APNIC的AC黄胜雄教授), Co-chair---Toshiyuki Hosaka(JPNIC)
    Charter(主旨):The charter of the Policy SIG is to develop policies and procedures which relate to the management and use of Internet address resources by APNIC, NIRs, and ISPs within the Asia Pacific region.
    Co-chair election(联席主席选举):In order to fill the vacancy for Co-chair of the Policy SIG, a call for volunteers was announced to the sig-policy mailing list in March 2005.
    The following people were nominated for the position. An election will be held during the Policy SIG session at APNIC 20 to elect the Co-chair.
    Ahmad Alkazimy (印度IDNIC);Billy Cheon (韩国KRNIC of NIDA) ;Tom Vest (Packet Clearing House) ;Xiangjian (Eugene) Li (CNNIC 李祥建) 。
    主持联席主席TOSHIYUKI HOSAKA说: we are going to elect a new co-chair. We have four nominees for co-chair. These are in alphabetical order: 
    Ahmad, where are you? Billy. Are you here now? Tom. OK. Eugene, are you there? Alright, if you wish to - would like to have some brief comment or speech from each candidate, Ahmad - do you have anything to speak?
    被提名竞选人AHMAD_ALKAZIMY说: My name is Ahmad_Alkazimy from IDNIC. I would like to introduce myself as an Internet resource analyst in APJII for four years and I would like to having some more experience for - that's why I am doing the co-chair - for the co-chair. Thank you very much. Billy? Do you want to speak something?
    被提名竞选人 BILLY_CHEON说: My name is Billy for KRNIC of NIDA. Currently I am on the APNIC AC and I think I would like to know the procedure of IP policy procedures. If I have - if you give me chance to contribute to APNIC, I would like to serve. Let me serve for this. Thank you.
    主持联席主席TOSHIYUKI HOSAKA说: Thank you, Billy. I heard that Tom is not going to make a comment so Eugene. 
    apnic 20   被提名竞选人XIANGJIAN_LI(李祥建)说: Hello shall everybody. Am currently - I'm Xiangjian_Li from CNNIC, the sponsor of the day. I joined to CNNIC in 2002 at the hostmaster -- as the hostmaster firstly and, in the year after, I became the IP address team manager and then at that time, I relooked the CNNIC IP address policies so for me to progress, I guess, because the Chinese IP address has decreased dramatically in recent years. Also chaired a lot of IP address meetings in CNNIC and got a good experience on that. Also I served some international related conferences as the volunteer and I know that the success of the conference is wanted, like me. So that's all I need to say here. Thank you for listening.
    主持联席主席TOSHIYUKI HOSAKA说: Thank you, Eugene. Election is done by your show of hands. So APNIC Secretariat, could you help me to count the hands. So I will read the name of the nominees one by one by alphabetical order, so those who support Ah mad for new co-chair, please raise your hand. (Secretariat counts hands) 7(支持被提名竞选人AHMAD_ALKAZIMY有7人举手得7票). Those who support Billy for new co-chair, please raise your hand.
    APNIC点票工作人员NURANI_NIMPUNO说: Please hold them up high.
    主持联席主席TOSHIYUKI HOSAKA说: Thank you. These who support Tom for new co-chair, please raise your hand(支持被提名竞选人BILLY_CHEON仅2人,支持被提名竞选人Tom Vest几乎无人). Alright, those who supporEugene for new co-chair, please raise your hand. 17(支持被提名竞选人CNNIC的李祥建有17人举手得17票,最高票当选). Alright, Eugene, you have 17 hands for new co-chair, so you are now a co-chair of this Policy SIG. Congratulations.
    Now we finished all of the agenda in this session. Thank you for attending. See you next time. Thank you.

    笔者留意到,日本参会代表都投了韩国KRNIC of NIDA被提名竞选人Billy Cheon,而20位参会中国代表除主持主席APNIC的AC黄胜雄教授无举手(中立姿态)、钱华林老师及2位无到会人员之外,全部举手选李祥建,共有17票。这是APNIC组织中,除执委(EC)、AC(APNIC与ICANN联络代表)以外,职位最高联席主席(APNIC的SIG 下面目前己有六个Session 小组主席及联席主席)。


    沈阳shenyang@sz1961sy.com 2005-9-8 北京时间16:06 写于河内



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