Unbending Notes

英文全球互联网资讯板 2006年1月29日(2)

sz1961sy 发表于 2006/2/4 23:39:00 阅读全文() | 回复(0) | 引用通告() | 编辑


       翻译/整理 / 编辑:王昱人Francy  & 沈阳 sz1961sy
Message: 2  (第二部分)
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 15:56:43 +1100 (EST)(收集截止时间:2006年1月29日星期日,北美洲东部标准时间)

Sponsored by the Singapore Internet Research Centre
Internet in Asia blog(互联网互联网的博客):
Sponsored by EuroDNS and AsiaDNS - for your domain name registration

Domain Registrar Charges $1 per Spam(域名注册服务机构每个广告邮件收费1美元)
Acting on a tip from a WebHostingTalk forum, Email
Battles decided to troll the Terms of Service agreements (TOS) of six Internet domain name registrars, looking for an atrocious clause similar to the $5.00 Per Spam charge tucked in Qwest's High Speed Internet Subscriber Agreement.
WebHostingTalk论坛中得到一个小道消息,一场邮件仗决定反对6个互联网域名注册服务机构(enom, GKG, Go Daddy, ItsYourDomain, MarkMonitor and Tucows)关于其正在向互联网定阅用户的收取5美元广告收费的TOS服务协议条款。


The search continues - Vint Cerf interview (采访Vint Cerf:继续搜索)
Vinton Cerf is sometimes referred to as the Father of the Internet, although he begs to differ. Today he Chief Internet Evangelist for a company making more than its share of headlines little online search outfit called Google. It  been quite a ride.
Vinton Cerf有时候被大家称为是互联网之父,尽管他本人不同意这个称呼。如今,他是在线搜索引擎google公司的首席互联网传教士。

网址: http://www.gcn.com/25_2/interview/38005-1.html

Endangered Domain (岌岌可危的英文域名体系)
More than a decade after the Internet became available for commercial use, other countries and organizations are erecting rivals to it -- raising fears that global interconnectivity will be diminished. German computer engineers are building an alternative to the Internet
to make a political statement. A Dutch company has built one to make money. China has created three suffixes in Chinese characters substituting for .com and the like, resulting in Web sites and email addresses inaccessible to users outside of China. The 22-nation Arab League has begun a similar system using Arabic suffixes.
互联网商业化使用后的十多年,其他国家和组织正与之对抗--全球互连性将消失的恐惧的增加。德国计算机工程师在建立一种叫Endangered Domain系统。中国也在建立一套以中文为后缀的非英文域名体系(译注:此文把IDN与Keywords混为一谈,是一种误导)。

网址: http://www.unifiedroot.com/corporate/pressnews-wsj

Skype affiliate can keep Skyp.com, says WIPO(WIPO裁定Skyp.com仍然归原主)
An amateur photographer, painter and sculptor who uses the domain name Skyp.com to redirect visitors to Skype.com has won a battle to keep his name. He pointed out that the internet telephony company had accepted him as an affiliate.
网址: http://www.out-law.com/page-6551

IETF hums along at 20 (IETF 20周年活动花絮)
>From a notorious striptease by internet pioneer Vint Cerf to a fist-pumping, table-jumping brawl about cryptography policy, the internet's premier standards-setting body has had its share of big moments.


"Sex.com" ist zwf Mio. Dollar wert (关于域名Sex.com --非英文新闻)
Domain wechselte am Montag den Besitzer
网址: http://futurezone.orf.at/it/stories/85033/
网址: http://derstandard.at/?id=2316038

El registro del dominio '.cat' estar?abierto al (关于域名.cat --非英文新闻)
plico a partir del primo 23 de abril
El dominio '.cat' abrir?el primo 13 de febrero el periodo de registros para instituciones de promoci de la lengua y cultura catalana, entidades con presencia en catal y los adheridos a la campa de apoyo a la candidatura del '.cat'. A partir del 23 de abril, el registro se generalizar?a particualres y cualquier tipo de empresa interesada en esta denominaci.


Compran el dominio sex.com por 14 millones de dares (关于域名Sex.com以1400万USD交易 --非英文新闻)
Tras varias disputas legales sobre la verdadera pertenencia del dominio, 'sex.com' fue vendido en 14 millones de dares a LLC de Escom, una compaa con sede en Boston, EE.UU.

Catalonia: Hawl i arfer enw gwefan (西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚域名--非英文新闻)
O Ionawr ymlaen mae Catalonia'n cael defnyddio'r llythrennau .cat ar wefannau'r wlad honno.


El 13 de febrero comienza el perdo de registro controlado para los dominios ".cat"(关于域名.cat --非英文新闻)
La apertura de los dominios ".cat", aprobados por la
ICANN el pasado mes de septiembre, comenzar?entre el 13 de febrero y el 21 de abril con un perdo de registro controlado, denominado "Sunrise". El registro se abrir?por completo dos ds despu, el 23 de abril. Todo este proceso ser?gestionado, a trav del sitio web "Nic.cat", por la Fundaci?puntCAT.


Surgen webs rivales para frenar el dominio de EE.UU.en la Red(关于域名EE.UU. --非英文新闻)
M de una dada despu que Internet empez?a ser usada con fines comerciales, varios paes y organizaciones est creando sus propias redes rivales, generando temores de una disminuci de la interconectividad global


Les premiers .EU actifs dans 40 jours(关于域名.EU --非英文新闻)
Certains .EU demand au dut de la sunrise commencent ?re valid. Sans opposition de la part de tiers, ils seront donc actifs 40 jours apr.Dodage.


The WFUNA Task Force on WSIS (联合国WSIS论坛上的WFUNA特遣部队)
On February 21.-22. 2006,The WFUNA Task Force on WSIS and The Danish Network on WSIS is hosting an international conference on "Where to go from Tunis?
Implementation of and follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society and the role of Civil Society in this process".


 Check out http://auda.org.au/domain-news/dn-news for the latest domain news. By close of business on 30 January Melbourne time, a more recent edition of the news should be posted to the auDA web site. The domain name news is supported by auDA.

Also see 也可参考下列的网址:http://internews.tv/mailman/admin/internetnews_internews.tv
for an archive and to subscribe to the domain name or general internet news.

信息来源 :Sources include Quicklinks <http://qlinks.net/> and BNA Internet Law News <http://www.bna.com/ilaw/>.  


Message: 3  (第三部分)
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 16:12:46 +1100 (EST)(收集截止时间:2006年1月29日星期日,北美洲东部标准时间)

Sponsored by the Singapore Internet Research Centre ,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 本部分由新加坡南洋科技大学新加坡互联网研究中心提供赞助


Internet in Asia blog(亚洲互联网博客):

cn: Google move 'black day' for China (中国:Google为中国市场换上CN域名)
网址: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4647398.stm

Google says China decision painful but right(Google公司说做出了痛苦却正确的决定)


Do Web filters protect your child? (过滤网页为了保护儿童?)

网址: http://news.com.com/2100-1032_3-6030200.html

hk: Internet providers fear data ruling may lead to abuses(香港:互联网内容提供商担心资信泛滥导致被滥用)
网址: http://asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=37992

nz: Scam internet sites shut down(新西兰:诈骗网站在减少)
网址: http://tvnz.co.nz/view/page/411419/653277

us: The erosion of anonymous Internet speech(美国:互联网匿名者关于爱立信的说法)
网址: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-6030922.html

us: 77% of Google users don't know it records personal data (美国:77%的Google用户不清楚私人信息己被记录)


UN Global E-government Readiness Report 2005: From E-government to E-inclusion(联合国全球E-government 将公布2005年回顾报告)


nz: Advancing Telecommunications Services for New Zealand in the 21 st Century(新西兰:迈进21世纪的电信服务)


The Strength of Internet Ties (news release)(捆绑互联网的战略贴士)


整理时间:2006年2月4日 (未完,待续)


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