Unbending Notes


sz1961sy 发表于 2018/12/1 2:14:00 阅读全文() | 回复(0) | 引用通告() | 编辑

Barry Clark Barish     2017   Physics
Paul Berg              1980   Chemistry
Bruce A. Beutler       2011   Medicine
J. Michael Bishop      1989   Medicine
Elizabeth H. Blackburn 2009   Medicine
Gunter Blobel *        1999   Medicine
Paul D. Boyer *        1997   Chemistry
Sydney Brenner         2002   Medicine
Mario R. Capecchi      2007   Medicine
Thomas R. Cech         1989   Chemistry
Martin Chalfie         2008   Chemistry
Steven Chu             1997   Physics
Aaron Ciechanover      2004   Chemistry
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji 1997   Physics
Leon N. Cooper         1972   Physics
Elias James Corey      1990   Chemistry
Robert F. Curl Jr.     1996   Chemistry
Johann Deisenhofer     1988   Chemistry
Peter C. Doherty       1996   Medicine
Richard R. Ernst       1991   Chemistry
Sir Martin J. Evans    2007   Medicine
Eugene F. Fama         2013   Economics
Bernard L. Feringa     2016   Chemistry
Edmond H. Fischer      1992   Medicine
Jerome I. Friedman     1990   Physics
Andre Geim             2010   Physics
Ivar Giaever           1973   Physics
Walter Gilbert         1980   Chemistry
Alfred G. Gilman *     1994   Medicine
Sheldon Glashow        1979   Physics
Roy J. Glauber         2005   Physics
Joseph L. Goldstein    1985   Medicine
Carol W. Greider       2009   Medicine
David J. Gross         2004   Physics
Robert H. Grubbs       2005   Chemistry
Roger Guillemin        1977   Medicine
Sir John B. Gurdon     2012   Medicine
F. Duncan M. Haldane   2016   Physics
John L. Hall           2005   Physics
Lars Peter Hansen      2013   Economics
Serge Haroche          2012   Physics
Oliver Hart            2016   Economics
Leland H. Hartwell     2001   Medicine
Harald zur Hausen      2008   Medicine
James J. Heckman       2000   Economics
Stefan W. Hell         2014   Chemistry
Richard Henderson      2017   Chemistry
Dudley R. Herschbach   1986   Chemistry
Avram Hershko          2004   Chemistry
Gerardus 't Hooft      1999   Physics
H. Robert Horvitz      2002   Medicine
Robert Huber           1988   Chemistry
Tim Hunt               2001   Medicine
Louis J. Ignarro       1998   Medicine
Elfriede Jelinek       2004   Literature
Daniel Kahneman        2002   Economics
Eric R. Kandel         2000   Medicine
Wolfgang Ketterle      2001   Physics
Klaus von Klitzing     1985   Physics
Aaron Klug *           1982   Chemistry
Brian K. Kobilka       2012   Chemistry
Roger D. Kornberg      2006   Chemistry
Herbert Kroemer        2000   Physics
Finn E. Kydland        2004   Economics
Leon M. Lederman *     1988   Physics
Yuan T. Lee            1986   Chemistry
Robert J. Lefkowitz    2012   Chemistry
Anthony J. Leggett     2003   Physics
Jean-Marie Lehn        1987   Chemistry
Michael Levitt         2013   Chemistry
Tomas Lindahl          2015   Chemistry
Rudolph A. Marcus      1992   Chemistry
Barry J. Marshall      2005   Medicine
Eric S. Maskin         2007   Economics
John C. Mather         2006   Physics
Craig C. Mello         2006   Medicine
Robert C. Merton       1997   Economics
Hartmut Michel         1988   Chemistry
James Mirrlees *       1996   Economics
Paul L. Modrich        2015   Chemistry
William E. Moerner     2014   Chemistry
Mario J. Molina        1995   Chemistry
Edvard Moser           2014   Medicine
May-Britt Moser        2014   Medicine
Kary B. Mullis         1993   Chemistry
Ferid Murad            1998   Medicine
Erwin Neher            1991   Medicine
Ryoji Noyori           2001   Chemistry
Sir Paul Nurse         2001   Medicine
Christiane Nusslein-Volhard 1995 Medicine
Arno Penzias           1978   Physics
Edmund S. Phelps       2006   Economics
Christopher A. Pissarides   2010  Economics
Edward C. Prescott      2004  Economics
Stanley B. Prusiner     1997  Medicine
Jose Ramos-Horta        1996  Peace
Adam G. Riess           2011  Physics
Sir Richard J. Roberts  1993  Medicine
Michael Rosbash         2017  Medicine
Bert Sakmann            1991  Medicine
Bengt I. Samuelsson     1982  Medicine
Jean-Pierre Sauvage     2016  Chemistry
Randy W. Schekman       2013  Medicine
Thomas C. Schelling *   2005  Economics
Brian P. Schmidt        2011  Physics
Richard R. Schrock      2005  Chemistry
Phillip A. Sharp        1993  Medicine
Dan Shechtman           2011  Chemistry
Vernon L. Smith         2002  Economics
Hamilton O. Smith       1978  Medicine
Oliver Smithies *       2007  Medicine
George F. Smoot         2006  Physics
Thomas A. Steitz *      2009  Chemistry
J. Fraser Stoddart      2016  Chemistry
Jack W. Szostak         2009  Medicine
Joseph H. Taylor Jr.    1993  Physics
Daniel C. Tsui          1998  Physics
Harold E. Varmus        1989  Medicine
Sir John E. Walker      1997  Chemistry
J. Robin Warren         2005  Medicine
Arieh Warshel           2013  Chemistry
James Watson            1962  Medicine
Eric F. Wieschaus       1995  Medicine
Torsten N. Wiesel       1981  Medicine
Frank Wilczek           2004  Physics
Robert Woodrow Wilson   1978  Physics
David J. Wineland       2012  Physics
Sir Gregory P. Winter   2018  Chemistry
Kurt Wuthrich           2002  Chemistry
Ada E. Yonath           2009  Chemistry
Michael W. Young        2017  Medicine
Rolf M. Zinkernagel     1996  Medicine
NOTE: Gunter Blobel, Paul Boyer, Alfred Gilman, Thomas Schelling, Oliver Smithies, James Mirrlees, Leon Lederman, Thomas Steitz, and Aaron Klug have passed away since signing this letter.

      从戴维.巴尔的摩(David Baltimore)在支持中国人吃转基因作物(GMOs)上的签字,到人类基因编辑国际峰会上发表反对中国深圳专家贺建奎副教授造基因编辑人,我们见识了医学伦理的边界全球规制在一些人身上的两面派、或者说“双重标准”:

    2:03 2018/12/1 写于北京家中


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