Unbending Notes


sz1961sy 发表于 2008/9/4 6:22:00 阅读全文() | 回复(1) | 引用通告() | 编辑

    2008年8月25-29日在新西兰基督城(Christchurch, New Zealand)举行的APNIC第26次会议(http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26)中,

    28日有一天会议主题是公开政策(Policy SIG session),它的内容网页在下列网址:http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26/program/policy/

    会场设在(Where):  新西兰基督城会议中心一层C会议厅(Hall C, Ground Floor, Christchurch Convention Centre)

    会场主席(Chair):  Randy Bush (日本Internet Initiative Japan--IIJ首席科学家)
    联席主席(Co-chair):  Jian Zhang(张健,中国互联网络信息中心CNNIC国际业务部主任)  

    这个会议是在Thursday 28 August 2008, 9:00-17:30 举行,参加APNIC会议的人大多都参加,这个会议的主旨(Why participate?)如下:
    You are a vital part of APNIC's policy development process. What you say, or don't say, can influence the outcome of proposal discussions and change APNIC policy. APNIC policies can affect you and your network's number resources. So take advantage of the opportunity to have your say.


    会议有下列议程(Draft agenda):
    ----主题:Overview of the policy development process

        主讲人:SIG Chair (公开政策小组主席)
    ----主题:Summary of proposals to be presented at APNIC 26 Policy SIG
        主讲人:SIG Chair (公开政策小组主席)
    ----主题:SIG Chair election

        主讲人:SIG Co-chair (公开政策联席小组主席)

    ----主题:Open action items
        主讲人:SIG Chair (公开政策小组主席)
    ----主题:prop-060: Change in the criteria for the recognition of NIRs in the APNIC region

        主讲人:Vinh Ngo(来自澳大利亚计算机科学公司CSC)

    ----主题:prop-064: Change to assignment policy for AS numbers
        主讲人:James Spenceley(来自澳大利亚Vocus通信公司) 
    ----主题:prop-065: Format for delegation and recording of 4-byte AS numbers
        主讲人:James Spenceley(来自澳大利亚Vocus通信公司)
    ----主题:prop-061: 32-bit ASNs for documentation purposes
        主讲人:Gaurab Raj Upadhaya(来自Packet Clearing House)
    ----主题:prop-062: Use of final /8


        主讲人:Philip F Smith(来自澳大利亚Cisco公司) 

    ----主题:prop-055: Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space
        主讲人:Izumi Okutani(来自日本互联网络信息中心JPNIC)
    ----主题:prop-063: Reducing timeframe of IPv4 allocations from twelve to six months
        主讲人:Jonny Martin(来自新西兰InternetNZ) 
    ----主题:prop-066: Ensuring efficient use of historical IPv4 resources
        主讲人:Brenda D. Tarimel(来自新西兰Palau National Communications Corporation--PNCC) 
    ----主题:prop-050: IPv4 address transfers
        主讲人:Geoff Huston(来自APNIC) 

    会议的主讲人发言文档在下列网址:http://www.apnic.net/meetings/26/program/policy/  可以下载。





    事实上,这次会议上中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)国际业务部的工程师赵魏(ZHAO WEI)就APNIC把用户申请的最小IP地址新的申请原则提出了不同意见:


    ZHAO WEI:I was about to ask the question about how you do, the design the /22 but you identified earlier on. I might put some information and comments on to Izumi. With LIRs, since the initial allocation goes to the /22, I barely got requirements of the /22, still got the requirement about the /21. So my information is for those regions who don't worry about the customer, they have 2,000 customers, the /22 will not help them more. So it probably goes to things, when we start allocation, of the last /8 and the ways of the policies, only a /22, it will be for them. I support Izumi, we probably won't think about that more to not cut most of the ISPs aligned to the proposal because /22 is too small.

    而来自美国NeuStar公司的ED LEWIS也对其中一个方案的可操作性问题发表自己看法:


    The unforeseen circumstances from the policy. From my experience, those clauses are not useful, it says it only counts if it matters. Drop that part of the policy to make it that much easier to deal with the cut-out section 43, the last third of the model, just that part there. I don't think we need to have it as part of the proposal, as part of the policy. If anything comes up, it will come up anyway.









    根据我们参加了4届APNIC公开政策(Policy SIG session)会议所见,每一项表决因为己经在小组讨论中征求大家意见(邮件列表Mail-List),因此都会有绝大多数支持、少数反对、事后再经过小组主席完善,在其后作出正式执行文档公开。











    2008年8月29日  新西兰时间 9时18分写于基督城皇冠酒店(Crowne Plaza)805房间
    http://域名资讯网.中国 (www.DNSNews.cn
    http://数据经济网.中国 (www.iitv.cn


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